The Ford Transit comes in low, medium, and high roof heights. The low-roof Ford Transit van will fit into most standards garages. However, medium and high roof Ford Transit would not fit into a standard residential garage.
In terms of height, the Ford Transit comes in three roof heights of low, medium, and high, and each of these also comes in different length sizes that include regular, long, and extra-long.
Therefore, Ford Transits comes in a wide range of sizes to suit the tastes and preferences of everyone.
Typically, low-roof Ford Transit vans were designed to fit into most standard home garages. The majority of standard home garage doors range from 7 feet (84 inches) to 8 feet (96 inches).
On the other hand, the lowest Ford Transit vans have a height of 6.85 feet (82.3 inches).
Low roof Ford Transit vans have a height ranging between 6.85 feet (82.3 inches) and 6.91 feet (82.92 inches); therefore, all low roof Ford Transit vans would fit all standard home garage doors and commercial garage doors.
The Ford Transit vans with a medium roof have a height range between 8.23 feet (98.76 inches) and 8.44 feet (101.28 inches), and they cannot fit the common standard home garages. However, some residential houses have garage doors with a height that exceeds the standard door measurements. Therefore, medium size roofs fit into such garages.
Ford Transit vans with high roofs range from 8.98 feet (107.76 inches) to 9.20 feet (110.4 inches). These van sizes are difficult to fit into home garages, automatic car washes, and even coin-operated car washes.
Different Types of Ford Transit Vans
Ford Transit vans can be categorized into passenger vans, Crew vans, and Cargo vans. Each of these comes in three length sizes and three height sizes.
Length sizes are Regular, Long, and Extra-long, while height sizes are Low, Medium, and High roof.
Ford Transit Passenger Vans Height
- Ford Transit Passenger van, regular length with low roof height – 6.85 feet high will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Passenger van, regular length with medium roof height – 8.23 feet high and will not fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Passenger van, long length with low roof height – 6.87 feet high will not fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Passenger van, long length with medium roof height- 8.27 feet high will not fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Passenger van long length with high roof height – 8.98 feet high will not fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Passenger van extra-long length with high roof height- 8.98 feet high will fit into a standard home garage.
Ford Transit Cargo Vans Height
- Ford Transit Cargo van, regular length with low roof height – 6.85 feet high will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Cargo van, regular length with medium roof height – 8.26 feet high will not fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Cargo van, long length with low roof height – 6.91 feet high will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Cargo van, long length with medium roof height – 8.44 feet high will not fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Cargo van, long length with high roof height – 9.13 feet high will not fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Cargo van, extra-long length with high roof height – 9.20 feet will not fit into a standard home garage. high
Ford Transit Crew Vans Height
- Ford Transit Crew van, regular length with low roof height – 6.85 feet high will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Crew van, regular length with medium roof height – 8.26 feet high will not fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Crew van, long length with low roof height – 6.88 feet high will not fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Crew van, long length with medium roof height – 8.36 feet high will not fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Crew van, long length with high roof height – 9.10 feet high will not fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Crew van, extra-long length with high roof height – 9.18 feet high will not fit into a standard home garage.
Residential Garage Doors
Most single-car garage doors measure 8 feet wide and 7 feet high, creating enough room for a full-sized car. Similarly, all Ford Transit low roofs will fit into these measurements, the highest in this range being 6.91 feet tall, which is 0.9 inches from 7 feet. All other sizes of Ford Transit will not fit.
Some of the standard measurements of residential garages with one door available in the market are as follows
- 8 × 7 feet (2.4 x 2.1 meters)
- 9 × 7 feet (2.7 x 2.1 meters)
- 10 × 7 feet (3 x 2.1 meters)
- 12 × 7 feet (3.6 x 2.1 meters)
- 15 × 7 feet (4.8 x 2.1 meters)
- 16 × 7 feet (4.9 x 2.1 meters)
- 18 × 7 feet (5.5 x 2.1 meters)
- 20 × 7 feet (6 x 2.1 meters)
Some residential buildings also have garages with two doors. These doors often have a vertical beam that divides the two doors. The standard measurements of these types of doors are given below:
- 12 x 7 feet (3.6 x 2.1 meters) or 12 x 8 feet (3.6 x 2.4 meters)
- 14 x 7 feet (4.3 x 2.1 meters) or 14 x 8 feet (4.3 x 2.4 meters)
- 16 x 7 feet (4.9 x 2.1 meters) or 16 x 8 feet (4.9 x 2.4 meters)
- 18 x 7 feet (5.5 x 2.1 meters) or 18 x 8 feet (5.5 x 2.4 meters)
Note that although these are the standard garage door measurements, some people have custom-made garage doors with a height of 10 feet (3 m). There are garages with three doors also.
O resident in SW Florida who owns a Ford E-250 cargo van, says he’s lucky because he made adjustments to his garage so that his van fits in. He says the bylaws don’t allow parking any commercial vehicles in his driveway.
However, vans could be parked if they don’t have any lettering or advertising. Therefore, it’s not uncommon for people working for different companies to remove the racks from the top of the van to park in the garage. However, every morning they have to mount back the racks.
Commercial Garage Doors
Commercial building garages have doors much bigger than residential garage doors.
Like residential buildings, commercial structures can also have garage doors that vary depending on the needs. The following are some of the standard measurements of commercial garage doors.
- 28 feet (336 inches) tall
- 32 feet (382 inches) tall
- 30 feet (360 inches) wide
- 40 feet (480 inches) wide
- 41feet (492 inches) wide
Therefore, all Ford transit vans will fit into commercial garages from low roof to high roof.
Custom Made Garage Doors
Manufacturers can design garage doors of any size for residential and commercial garages that differ from standard sizes. Anyone can order any garage door model of their choice, and it’s possible to have garage doors that fit any garage opening.
It is also possible to change or adjust an existing garage door to suit your needs. Reducing the door opening may not be a big deal, but increasing the size can be challenging. In such a case, you will need a professional builder because you will alter the garage’s structure. It is possible if there is enough room above the opening. Otherwise, you’ll be forced to raise the garage’s roof or even build a new garage.
Note also that there are city-county laws governing changing the structure of your house.
The Length of Ford Transit Compared to the Depth of the Garage
Ford Transit Vans come in three different lengths: Regular, Long, and Extra Long.
The following are the details
Ford Transit Passenger Vans Length
- Ford Transit Passenger van, regular length with low roof height – 18.33 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Passenger van, regular length with medium roof height – 18.15 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Passenger van, long length with low roof height – 19.80 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Passenger van, long length with medium roof height- 19.63 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Passenger van, long length with high roof height – 19.63 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Passenger van, extra-long length with high roof height- 21.99 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
Ford Transit Cargo Vans Length
- Ford Transit Cargo van, regular length with low roof height – 18.33 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Cargo van, regular length with medium roof height – 18.15 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Cargo van, long length with low roof height – 19.80 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Cargo van, long length with medium roof height – 19.63 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Cargo van, long length with high roof height – 19.63 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Cargo van, extra-long length with high roof height – 21.99 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
Ford Transit Crew Vans Length
- Ford Transit Crew van, regular length with low roof height – 18.33 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Crew van, regular length with medium roof height – 18.15 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Crew van, long length with low roof height – 19.20 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Crew van, long length with medium roof height – 19.63 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Crew van, long length with high roof height – 19.63 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
- Ford Transit Crew van, extra-long length with high roof height – 21.99 feet long will fit into a standard home garage.
Standard Garage Depth
The standard depth of most residential home garages ranges from 20 feet and 24 feet. These garages are ideal for cars. Therefore, most Ford Transit vans, especially the long and extra-long, would not fit into the standard garages with the minimum measurements.
Note that you need enough depth to fit the whole length of your vehicle and some extra room to walk around.
Stairs and Curbs
Another aspect to consider is the garage floor, which in most cases is not on the same level as the floor of your house. In most cases, garages have two or three steps to reach the door into the kitchen or hallway to which the garage connects.
In some houses, the door is recessed, and the stairs stick out into the garage. Typically, the standard depth of stairs is not less than ten inches per tread (the part we stop on). If there are two steps, it could be sticking out anywhere between 20 inches and two feet.
With three steps, you can expect to take even more space and affect your van’s ability to fit into your garage. You will be lucky if the door is on the side where the stairs will not affect the depth of the garage.
Some people caninstall bumpers on the front wall of the garage so that they don’t pull up too far and end up hitting the wall and destroying the structure of the garage. With this arrangement, you can lose up to six inches or even more of the depth. Other peopleadd small curbs for the front wheels to bump into and guide their parking. Often this will not affect the depth, and it’s better than the bumpers.
The standard home garages have a depth between 20 and 24 feet and can barely accommodate the Ford Transit van of regular length. Regular length ranges from 18.15 to 18.33 feet long. Long Ford Transit vans range from 19.20 feet long to 19.63, while extra-long measures 21.99 feet long.
Additionally, the height of standard home garages ranges between 7 and 8 feet high, and this can accommodate only the low roof Ford Transit Vans that range in size from 6.85 feet and 6.91 feet tall.